Home Health Are you getting enough sleep? 7 tips to sleep better.

Are you getting enough sleep? 7 tips to sleep better.

Are you getting enough sleep? 7 tips to sleep better.

With our busy schedules, many tasks and activities, sleep is not always the first thing on our minds. However, sleep is crucial for our health and luck. With DST kicking in at the end of this month, now is the perfect time to evaluate and, where possible, improve your sleep habits.

Why is sleep important?

Getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night can improve our mental and physical health, reduce stress and strengthen our memory. sleep also plays a key role in our ability to learn and retain information, and it can affect our mood and energy levels throughout the day.

Here are seven tips you can follow to improve your sleep.

Be consistent

In a perfect world, we go to bed around the same time every day and get up at the same time the next day. Sometimes this can be a challenge as our schedule will vary from day to day. Creating a nighttime routine can help. Here's how to get started:

  • Adjust your sleep rhythm slowly. Sleeping habits don't change overnight, so it's important to be realistic about what time you can go to bed and wake up. Think about your current sleep schedule and focus on making changes in small steps. For example, if you usually go to sleep at midnight, it may not be realistic to fall asleep right away at 10 a.m. Instead, try to get into a new routine in a few weeks by going to bed about 15-20 minutes earlier every few days.
  • stick to it (even on weekends). Sticking to a consistent sleep routine is just as important on the weekend as it is on weekdays. Try to create a sleep schedule that fits your schedule throughout the week. If this seems too challenging, allow yourself to deviate from your normal routine for 1 to 2 hours. Limiting changes in your habits can help you stay on track and avoid splurges from too much or too little sleep.

Limit your caffeine intake

What you do during the day plays a role in how well you sleep at night. It should go without saying, but avoid drinking caffeine before bed. Being a stimulant, caffeine makes it difficult for your brain to relax.

For the best quality sleep, try drinking your coffee only in the morning. Caffeine can stay in your system for about eight hours. If you're craving coffee or tea, opt for decaffeinated options. You'll still get the same great taste without sacrificing sleep later.

Exercise earlier in the day

A good training provides more adrenaline and increases your alertness. This in itself is great, especially at the start of the day, but not when you want to go to bed on time with a good night's sleep. Therefore, try to ensure that there are at least three hours between your training and bedtime and give your body the necessary time to relax. It is better for your night's sleep to choose relaxing activities in the evening such as meditation, yoga or reading.

Customize your environment

Our bedrooms can have a surprising effect on how much we sleep. Bedtime is meant to disconnect and de-stress. To make it easier to fall asleep, make sure that the bedroom is intended for sleeping and not for watching TV, for example. This helps your body get into “sleep mode”. You can improve your nighttime sleep by making a few simple adjustments, such as:

  • Adjust your room temperature to a lower temperature at night
  • Use your bed to relax and rest
  • Try a fan or an app with “white noise” to minimize distracting noises
  • Wash your sheets regularly for a more relaxing effect
  • Make sure the room is dark so your internal clock knows it's bedtime
Are you getting enough sleep? Adjust your bedroom to sleep better
Are you getting enough sleep? Adjust your bedroom to sleep better (picture.)

If you have trouble sleeping, it may be related to your bedroom. Is it too hot when you're trying to sleep? Too cold? To perfect your bedroom, try setting the temperature, cleaning your room, and getting rid of unwanted lights or noises.

put your phone away

Try to reduce the amount of time you spend on your devices before going to bed. If you simply put your phone away at least an hour before you go to bed, you will fall asleep faster. If you can't completely ignore your phone, at least consider turning off all notifications and using your night mode. Also, don't put your phone on your bedside table, but on the other side of the bedroom, this will help avoid the temptation to check your phone in the evening or even at night to see if it's the first thing you wake up to to pick up again.

Try relaxing activities before going to bed

Make your sleep routine a habit by doing the same activities every night before bed. This lets your body know it's time to relax and prepare for sleep. Your nighttime routine can include a variety of activities, from showering and brushing your teeth to reading or meditating.

If you find yourself lying in bed for twenty minutes or more after your relaxing activities and still can't sleep, don't worry. Sometimes your system needs extra prompts to calm down. If this happens, it's time to get up, do another quiet activity (such as reading a book) for another twenty minutes, and then go back to bed. Don't force yourself to be in bed until you fall asleep – this can actually increase stress and make it harder to fall asleep.

Supplements and CBD

You can also try a natural supplement like melatonin, valerian or popular CBD. If you know you have to go to bed, then you can try it with such a supplement. For example, unlike many other sleep medications, melatonin has a relatively low risk of negative effects.

If you have something that requires you to wake up early, try taking some to fall asleep faster. Don't rely on a supplement every night to go to bed, but sometimes it can make all the difference to have a night of great deep sleep.

Of course, when in doubt, it is always advisable to contact your doctor when considering a supplement or if you suffer from persistent sleeping problems.

Sources ao BetterSleep (link), BU (link), Colorado (link)



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